What Is Encryption in Computer Security?
Data encryption is a powerful cybersecurity measure that scrambles sensitive information into unreadable gibberish, so only the intended receiver can decode it. It is a crucial aspect of digital transformation because it protects the privacy of data stored on or transmitted via networks or computer systems like the Internet. It is a reliable and secure method of authentication, ensuring the information is not altered or tampered during transmission or storage.
Encrypting data is the process of converting original information into the format that can only by opened by the recipient using the key or password. In the majority of instances, the recipient is able to translate the ciphertext into its original format. Modern encryption techniques use algorithms that can scramble the original data into the ciphertext. This is done using various techniques and algorithms, including transposition and substitution techniques. The Caesar cipher, named after the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar, is an early example of a substitution cipher that is where each letter is replaced with another one of a predetermined number of times along the alphabet (e.g., «E» becomes «Y»).
Encryption can be required to ensure compliance with the rules set by various institutions or standard bodies including the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) and other consumer protection laws. It is my link also an essential security measure to guard sensitive company, client or patient data from cyberattacks. Retailers, for example should ensure that their customers’ shipping and credit card details when they transfer it between networks or systems. The encryption process can help protect information stored on computers and USB devices from being stolen by hackers.
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